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The Star of David

Hexagram pendant


The Star of David, Hexagram, also known as the hexagonal star, originated from the Hindu Tantrism school, and is formed by two equilateral triangles stacked upside down. It is a symbol of Judaism and Jewish culture. 

The earliest Hexagram was discovered on a Jewish tombstone in southern Italy. It may have originated around the 3rd century. The earliest Jewish writings on the Hexagram came from the middle of the 12th century. At the time it was a pattern on the amulet. 

1. A ring of King Solomon, it is called "The Lord of the Rings" and can be used to command the devil and ghost; 
2. King David's shield has such a hexagonal pattern, so the David shield is magical, indestructible, and invincible. Some people think it is a star symbolizing the birth of King David. 
3. In the hexagonal star, one triangle symbolizes males and the other triangle symbolizes females. The founding gods of many western myths are mostly bisexual, symbolizing the combination of yin and yang, and auspicious. 

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In some Christian church buildings, hexagonal stars are used as decorations. 
Hexagram is also an important symbol in astrology. 
After the founding of Israel, the Hexagram was printed on the national flag, so the Hexagram has also become a symbol of Israel, a symbol of beauty, sacred purity. 

Pattern meaning: 
The Star of David represents the great god with the characteristics of both sexes, and is an auspicious pattern. 
The six-pointed star is a symbol of the goddess, meaning the meaning of guardianship and protection. 
Hexagram is a combination of Yin and Yang. 
The hexagonal star represents the union of men and women, the norms of harmony and action and moderation of truth and morality. The black lucky hexagonal star necklace symbolizes the eternal covenant of love. The pair of Hexagram necklaces presented and worn between the couples also contain a moral, guardianship and blessing. 

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